Blog & News

Do you accept the California Water Challenge?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Nonprofit group creates an online game that lets Californians learn about the state’s daunting water challenge and then make some tough decisions about water policy.

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Candidates for elections chief tout resumes and ways to boost voter turnout
150 150 Phillip Ung

A conversation between the two candidates for Secretary of State appear to differ more on their approach to getting under the hood of California’s elections than on what needs fixing.

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VIDEO: Watch part one of Summit’s Capitol Day gathering
150 150 John Guenther

Opening remarks and a Summit progress update kicked off Sacramento conversation

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Latino Millennials are an expanding and influential voter demo
150 150 Nadine Ono

Hispanic Millennials make up about seven percent of California’s voting population and are influential both for their own numbers and how they also provide information to older generations

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What Tesla’s choosing of Nevada over California really means
150 150 Lenny Mendonca

Tesla’s decision to build its $5 billion gigafactory in Reno, Nev. is disappointing – but not the loss decried by its harshest critics

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CA Fwd applauds State Controller for launch of open data portal
150 150 Robb Korinke

California Forward congratulates the California State Controller’s Office on its new open data portal,

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