Blog & News

What can be done to improve local roads?
150 150 John Frith

Solutions include altering gas tax, creating miles-traveled system

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A tale of two elections
150 150 Lenny Mendonca & Tom McKernan

When the California Legislature hit the campaign trail, the normally cynical press corps had to concede the session was one of the most productive and bipartisan in a generation.

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Local roads edge closer to the cliff
150 150 John Frith

66 rating doesn’t seem so bad, conditions can quickly deteriorate

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CA Fwd and CSBA come together for LCFF “living laboratory”
150 150 Christopher Nelson

It’s significant when 17 school districts and county offices of education agree to participate in a pilot program designed to figure out best practices for the rest of the state on LCFF and LCAP implementation.

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Your final vote by mail cheatsheet!
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

A record-breaking 69 percent of voters in the June 2014 primary cast their ballots by mail. And more than one million vote-by-mail ballots have already been cast for the November general election.

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