Selected Blog Posts

CA voters favor early release of nonviolent offenders and part-time legislature
150 150 Gina Baleria

A new poll finds that most California voters would rather see some prisoners receive shorter sentences than raise taxes or cut education to pay prison-related costs.

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CA Fwd Policy Consultant John Maltbie testifies on performance-based budgeting
150 150 John Maltbie

John Maltbie appeared before a California Assembly budget subcommittee last week to discuss the merits of performance-based budgeting, including measuring whether programs are working and signaling when adjustments need to be made.

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Commission praised for transparency and encouraged to hear all voices
150 150 Gina Baleria

The first round of California’s new political maps have been unveiled, and many organizations involved in helping ensure the commission made it through legislative and other hurdles are pleased with its painstaking efforts to be transparent and thorough, but concerned that not all communities are having their voices heard.

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Commission Frustrated By Lack of Detailed Redistricting Maps
150 150 Megan Goldsby

At Oakland’s Laney College last week, the CA Citizens Redistricting Commission aimed to get down to the nitty gritty of precisely where political lines should be placed, by giving several organizations the opportunity to share their maps.

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Californians brainstorm state’s political issues
150 150 Lenny Mendonca & David Davenport

It’s hardly news that Californians are frustrated with politics as usual. The budget is billions of dollars out of balance and invariably comes together late, with duct tape and deferral of the real problems. Sixty percent of Californians say the state is headed in the wrong direction.

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Forward Thinker Hyepin Im works to ensure that communities are connected
150 150 Tom Salyers

CA Fwd has named Hyepin Im, founder of Korean Churches for Community Development (KCCD),a Forward Thinker for her work building bridges between immigrant communities with policymakers, opinion leaders and companies that may impact them.

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