Government Performance & Accountability

Fred Keeley on Comcast Newsmakers
150 150 John Guenther

Throughout the month of June, CA Fwd Leadership Council member Fred Keeley will appear on Comcast Newsmakers, discussing California Forward’s work to move government closer to the people and make it more accountable, transparent, and effective.

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PPIC Poll shows support for state-local restructuring
150 150 PPIC

A PPIC poll released this week shows that many Californians do want to see a restructuring of state and local governments, with the hope that it would improve transparency, accountability, flexibility, and performance.

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Californians brainstorm state’s political issues
150 150 Lenny Mendonca & David Davenport

It’s hardly news that Californians are frustrated with politics as usual. The budget is billions of dollars out of balance and invariably comes together late, with duct tape and deferral of the real problems. Sixty percent of Californians say the state is headed in the wrong direction.

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50-state project to measure corruption risks
150 150 John Guenther

The State Accountability Project is an unprecedented effort to create a 50-state ranking of government transparency and accountability.

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Improving governance through restructuring
150 150 California Special District

California Special District recently interviewed CA Fwd Executive Director Jim Mayer about how CA Fwd believes governance in California should be restructured, what smart government requires, and how Governor Jerry Brown’s budget proposal could help work toward all of this.

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Jerry Brown faces tricky budget options
150 150 John Guenther

Today in the Sacramento Bee, political reporter Kevin Yamamura wrote an excellent summation of what California is facing in terms of moving forward on the state budget…

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Juvenile justice an example of government closer to the people
150 150 Tyche Hendricks

The KQED California Report’s Governing California series takes a closer look at an area where the state has already begun realigning services to see if moving government closer to the people…

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