Government Performance & Accountability

Celebrating the tenth anniversary of forecasted operating deficits
150 150 Fred Silva

Once again the Legislative Analyst has pulled back the curtain on California’s budgeting practices, announcing last week that the state is likely to have a $3 billion deficit at the end of this fiscal year. This means we can expect significant mid-year cuts to education and social services programs under the budget “trigger” mechanism.

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Fixing California: An approach to agree on
150 150 John Guenther

Hats off to the Think Long Committee (TLC) for braving the waters of reform with a thoughtful, bipartisan approach to addressing the gridlock and fiscal issues that face the state. The TLC report builds on what California Forward has learned: Californians want change, and they want it now.

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CA Fwd Radio Show: Inland Empire faces its economic challenges
150 150 Gina Baleria

California’s economy has struggled to find solid footing, and even as we see positive sparks, we find that the state budget approved in June is now nearly $1.3 billion under-funded.

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Participation, performance and accountability: A reasonable approach to governing California
150 150 Michael Turnipseed

As the state continues to struggle with chronic budget shortfalls and a sluggish economy, Californians are overwhelmed by a plethora of political solutions. These “solutions” do little to either restore faith in government or that can — or will — address the issues at hand; namely, greater accountability at all levels of government and improved outcomes of critical public programs that most directly impact performance, prosperity and productivity.

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Local government CA’s best hope to ensure accountability & results
150 150 Bruce McPherson

Californians have been clear – they want their governments to be more accountable and perform more effectively.

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Democracy reforms the subject of latest CA Fwd Radio Show
150 150 Gina Baleria

So-called democracy reforms are seen as a way to re-engage voters, ensure that the voice of the people is heard, and bring people into the fold who may have traditionally been disenfranchised from the process.

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Critical initiative focuses government on results
150 150 Zabrae Valentine

California once again finds itself in the vortex of a leadership vacuum. Public trust and confidence in government are at record lows – as is our performance in critical areas that matter most to Californians: education, job creation, and public safety. To fix our state, we must revamp how budgets and policy decisions are made and implemented and how leaders are kept accountable.

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