Government Performance & Accountability

Interested in what Californians really think about initiative reform? Remember “What’s Next CA?”
150 150 Pete Peterson

With their developing super-majority, Assembly Democrats have turned their attention (once again) to something they’re calling “initiative reform” and more than a few people—on both sides of the aisle—are worried.

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Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom ushers in 21st century to California government
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

In an effort to speed up this process of technological innovation in government, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom has partnered with Code for America to launch the Citizenville Challenge.

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California city hopes to spur participation with Spanish translations
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The city of Anaheim hopes to make it easier to communicate with the City Council by providing Spanish translation services at meetings.

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New legislation targets California Millennial vote
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, make up the fastest growing and most diverse generation in history. By the 2020 presidential election, by which time all members of this generation will be of voting age, Millennials will represent nearly 40 percent of all eligible voters nationwide.

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Education program for tomorrow’s voters now available
150 150 Ed Coghlan

We know what you’re thinking. Didn’t we just have an election? Yes, we did. But in some parts of California, another election already looms.

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President Obama’s preschool proposal contrasts with California status quo
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

President Barack Obama brought up several topics that gave us something to chew on, but one thing that particularly made us stop and think were his proposals on preschool education

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Pew study finds common ground in California with SOTU address
150 150 Christopher Nelson

The country’s eyes are trained squarely on the election process in 2013. President Obama’s State of the Union speech confirmed as much when he announced a bi-partisan commission to conduct election oversight across the country.

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A plan for increased quality of life in your community
150 150 Teresa Acosta

Help has arrived for California communities working hard trying to find solutions to local problems but frustrated in their efforts to get organized.

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The dynamics of governing Open Data
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

As public agencies are being pushed to release more data, a report from the Center for Technology in Government (CTG) looks at what governments should consider before implementing transparency initiatives to ensure efforts have a valuable impact on good governance and public utility.

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