
Open data bill would require cities to create data inventories
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Local governments would need to catalog their data management systems and make the information publicly available under bill by State Senator Bob Hertzberg.

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A quick word on California ballot initiative reform
150 150 Christopher Nelson

BITA has passed, but what are the next steps toward ensuring its success? And what are Californians looking for in this new Legislative session?

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Pete Weber and Jim Mayer: State political reform is working
150 150 John Guenther

The evidence is growing that voters are getting the political reform they wanted when they seized from lawmakers the authority to draw district boundaries, opened primary elections to all voters, and modified term limits to reduce constant campaigning.

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CA State Controller: Always more work to be done in the name of transparency
150 150 John Chiang

As California State Controller, my job hinges on having access to the numbers that help me to tell the stories about what direction our State, communities, schools and businesses are heading.

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