Fiscal Reform

Californians put money-talk on hold until waste goes down and trust goes up
150 150 Jim Mayer

It is hard to talk about dysfunction in California government without talking about money. And it is hard everywhere these days to talk about taxes.

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Removing the blindfold: Why California needs transparency
150 150 Nate Levine

A recent dispute between Assembly members John Perez and Anthony Portantino highlights a problem that sits at the foundation of California’s broken government: a disturbing lack of transparency and accountability.

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CA voters favor early release of nonviolent offenders and part-time legislature
150 150 Gina Baleria

A new poll finds that most California voters would rather see some prisoners receive shorter sentences than raise taxes or cut education to pay prison-related costs.

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CA Fwd Policy Consultant John Maltbie testifies on performance-based budgeting
150 150 John Maltbie

John Maltbie appeared before a California Assembly budget subcommittee last week to discuss the merits of performance-based budgeting, including measuring whether programs are working and signaling when adjustments need to be made.

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CA redevelopment agencies sue to block budget plan
150 150 John Guenther

Another piece of California’s budgetary house of cards is wavering as redevelopment agencies file suit to prevent states from forcing them to give up a portion of their funds to other local government priorities, including schools.

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Budget projections fall behind already, substantive reform needed
150 150 Gina Baleria

“It didn’t take long for California’s optimistic budget to fall behind in tax revenues,” said the Sacramento Bee’s Kevin Yamamura. Less than two weeks after the rosy-outlook budget was passed, the projections it was built on have started to come unraveled.

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Budget signed, but talk of winners and losers goes on
150 150 John Guenther

As the state prepares to turn its attention from the budget to other matters, there is some talk of who won the short-term and long-term battles, and whether California citizens are winners at all.

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