Fiscal Reform

Could the path to fiscal prudence come through transparency?
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Despite deserved good press for getting the bill signed on time, the transparency parade was unable to avoid rain via the governor’s blue pencil.

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Who should pay for California’s elections?
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

The money that counties are missing out on is far from chump change. The state hasn’t allocated funds to counties to keep up with their mandates since 2009, when they paid $30 million total to 58 counties.

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California Legislature reverses itself on altering California Public Records Act
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

“To be clear, this means that the California Public Records Act will remain intact without any changes as part of the budget – consistent with the Assembly’s original action.”

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Governor’s budget agreement ushers in new era of school spending
150 150 Lenny Mendonca and Cruz Reynoso

The budget deal will significantly simplify and rebalance how the state allocates money among school districts and charter schools serving 6 million students

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New survey reveals disconnect between Californians and state government
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Conducted by the California Business Roundtable and Pepperdine University, parts of the survey discuss disconnects on budget issues and how much bang for their buck taxpayers believe they are getting

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Vallejo embraces Participatory Budgeting, lets citizens vote on how to spend money
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

More than a year ago, the city and its citizens started the first ever city wide Participatory Budgeting (PB) process, where the community decides how to spend $3.2 million dollars.

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What should California do with the $4.6 billion in extra tax revenue?
150 150 James Mayer

Californians in November 2014 are scheduled to vote on a constitutional amendment, the California Rainy Day Budget Stablization Fund Act

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UC system accepting more out-of-state students at the expense of CA residents
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

Famously wracked by budget cuts, the UC system has reached a new low in the number of actual Californians it’s admitting. At the same time, out-of-state applicants have had their acceptance levels swell by 21 percent over last year for the coming fall semester.

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