Citizens Redistricting Commission

How to Assess the Impact of California’s Election Reforms
1024 576 Jim Mayer

Looking back at California’s example, as the integrity of elections gets tested across the country

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CA Fwd: Rebuilding Trust Between The People and Government
610 200 Ed Coghlan

How organization has encouraged and promoted more responsive government for a decade

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CA Fwd — Approaching a Decade of Making a Difference
610 200 John Guenther

Ten years into an era of reform, California’s outlook has been shaped by public desire for change in how government served the people.

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California halfway to next round of redistricting
580 200 Ed Coghlan

Many Californians and election officials already looking ahead to the state’s next redrawing of election districts, scheduled for 2021.

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Lenny Mendonca: Hiram Johnson Would Like This California Era of Reform
150 150 Lenny Mendonca

Despite shortcomings, the state’s citizen ballot initiative process has brought important reforms to California via direct democracy.

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