
CA FWD Comments On Passage Of 2021-22 State Budget
1024 576 John Guenther

Budget deal holds promising investments in broadband and regional, inclusive economic planning

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California Has a Once-in-a-Generation Opportunity to Close the Digital Divide
1024 576 John Guenther

Local & State Leaders from Across California Call for Immediate Approval of Governor Newsom’s $7 Billion Broadband Infrastructure Plan

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Digital Equity, Connectivity and the Web of Mutuality
1024 576 Michael Wiafe and Lawson Hardrick III

CA FWD Young Leaders Advisory Council members weigh in on their discussion with Assemblymembers about broadband and what needs to be done to secure an equitable digital future.

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CA FWD Comments on Governor Newsom’s Budget Revision
960 540 John Guenther

Finally, the plan for an equitable economic recovery includes meaningful planning for an equitable economic recovery. CA FWD is encouraged that Governor Newsom is taking advantage of this historic opportunity…

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How Southern California tribes work to close the digital divide
960 540 Nadine Ono

Broadband access will remain a priority for Native American Californians who have the lowest amount of access of any demographic

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Facing the Digital Divide in College
1024 576 Amber Bolden

Imperial Valley student leader outlines the obstacles facing higher education as it tries to support students experiencing technical and social disconnections in a virtual learning environment

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Bi-Cameral Broadband Action Supported by Broad Coalition
1024 540 Nadine Ono

Organizations across California voice their support for SB 4 and AB 14 to help address the digital divide

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