Justice System Change Initiative

Mentoring program offers Kern County offenders a pathway away from jail
150 150 Nadine Ono

Promising partnership with county and nonprofit having impact on high rate of return to jail by the formerly incarcerated.

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Sentencing Reform and Redemption, California Style
150 150 Jim Mayer

In correcting a mistake with sentencing reform, Governor Brown’s move could open the door to create cost-effective, smart and humane criminal justice strategies in California.

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CA Fwd and Riverside County put data to work on jail overcrowding
150 150 Nadine Ono

The county probation department successfully used data analysis to create a 25 percent reduction in probation violations since spring of 2014.

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VIDEO: CA Fwd webinar Engaging the Community in Public Safety Realignment
150 150 John Guenther

Playback of recent webinar on how counties can effectively engage the public with their realignment efforts in order to improve the community-based approach to public safety.

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