California Economic Summit

2022 California Economic Summit Opens Registration
1024 576 CA FWD

This year’s gathering of California leaders takes place in Bakersfield on October 27-28.

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The Importance of Worker Power in Creating Equity
1024 576 Ed Coghlan

Don Howard of The James Irvine Foundation talks to us about a key element for every low-income worker to advance economically

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VIDEO: 2021 California Economic Summit Wrap-up
1024 575 Sarah Walsh

Catch our video wrap-up of two impactful days in Monterey during the 2021 Summit

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Committing to An Equitable, Sustainable Future Takes Center Stage at California Economic Summit Day Two
1024 576 Nadine Ono

Celebrating broadband efforts and highlighting new initiatives to invest in communities were the themes of the day

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2021 Summit Working Sessions Build Action Plans for Coming Year
1024 576 Nadine Ono

Learn about the recommendations shaped by Summit attendees to create a more equitable and inclusive California economy

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Governor Newsom Joins Day One of the 2021 California Economic Summit in Monterey
1024 576 Nadine Ono

Investing in California’s communities with a regions-up approach, including through a new $600 million fund, was the theme of the morning

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