California Economic Summit

Embedding Climate Across Summit Priorities and Actions
1024 576 Deb Kollars

New California Economic Summit work group aims to build regional resilience to climate impacts

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Advancing Inclusive Economic Development in California Regions
1024 576 Annalisa Siregar-Wurm

Inside the effort to elevate a new kind of economic planning happening at the regional level

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Building a Sustainable Energy Future: A Call To Action
1024 576 Jennifer Lovett

California must ensure the energy system it creates is sustainable, reliable, affordable and equitable

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Closing California’s Digital Divide through Collective Action
1024 576 Deb Kollars

Although broadband access has expanded significant gaps persist across all regions

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Ffirefighters from Stockton, Calif., put out flames off of Hidden Valley Rd.
Mobilizing to Address California’s Wildfire Crisis
1024 576 Deb Kollars

With an estimated 4.5 million homes near wildfire danger zones, solutions that take on the crisis are growing more critical

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Increasing Infrastructure Opportunities for Diverse Small Businesses
1024 576 Selena Sanchez

A Southern California program aims to level the playing field for securing infrastructure projects

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Working to Build Affordable Housing for Farmworker Families and Beyond
1024 576 Nadine Ono

The Chavez Foundation includes a team leading efforts to build housing in four western states

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