California Economic Summit

California Economic Summit on Community College Chancellor Search
150 150 Ed Coghlan

The California Economic Summit Workforce and Advancing Manufacturing teams urge President Geoffrey Baum and Vice President Cecilia Estolano to select a Chancellor committed to accelerating the alignment between employers and educational and training institutions to improve meeting workforce needs while benefiting students and their families.

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State Controller Betty Yee to California’s regions: ‘Talk to us”
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Paying for California’s future and fixing its problems will need more collaboration instead of fighting over pieces of the budget year after year.

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California Economic Summit launches One Million Challenges in 2016 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity
150 150 Justin Ewers

Updated Roadmap lays out what the Summit aims to accomplish this year in areas vital to expanding sustainable economic growth in every region.

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Governor doubles down on improving workforce pipeline in proposed budget
150 150 Justin Ewers

A California Economic Summit approach to boosting workforce training in the state would get a shot in the arm via Jerry Brown’s budget.

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Ever Forward: CA Fwd’s 2015 Year in Review
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Look back at a productive year for California Forward in its goal to make the California Dream more attainable for all.

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VIDEO: Rethinking how to manage California’s water for the next drought
150 150 John Guenther

Talking to water problem solvers on how to better manage every drop as the drought lingers and conflicts over expensive projects continue.

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VIDEO: What is California doing to cut housing red tape?
150 150 John Guenther

Addressing the state’s high housing costs includes finding smart ways to reduce headaches for builders.

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VIDEO: What leaders are saying about the California Economic Summit
150 150 John Guenther

At CA Fwd’s Economic Summit, leaders from around the state told us what they thought of the Summit process and its priorities for the coming year.

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