California Economic Summit

Fresno to Host 2019 California Economic Summit
610 200 California Economic Summit

Governor-elect Gavin Newsom thanks Summit’s efforts to advance equitable and sustainable prosperity for all

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View from the Summit: Helping regions stay resilient and rise together
610 200 Nadine Ono

Day Two of Summit honored stewards of California and workforce partnerships elevating Californians

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Watch the 2018 Summit Opening Video
580 200 John Guenther

Watch the video that kicked off Day Two of this year’s California Economic Summit

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Keeping the CA Dream alive and thriving in the Central Valley
610 200 Garth Stapley

How can the Valley lure more business and turn around some of the problems of rural California?

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Humboldt County: An Economy in Transition
580 200 Daniel Mintz

As the region’s timber and cannabis industries evolve, a diversifying economy is growing jobs in other sectors

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What is the Role of Higher Education in the Gig Economy?
580 200 Van Ton-Quinlivan

Barriers can leave even college graduates left out of the growing gig economy

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