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Matthew Grant Anson

President Obama’s preschool proposal contrasts with California status quo
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

President Barack Obama brought up several topics that gave us something to chew on, but one thing that particularly made us stop and think were his proposals on preschool education

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California community colleges facing overcrowding
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

It’s become something of a time-honored tradition in California’s community colleges: desperately trying to add a course on the first day of a jam-packed class

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California Millennials: Gauging the class of 2016
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

While list compilers may profess to having some level of expertise on the lives of 2016ers, I carry what is essentially a PhD on the topic

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Port traffic and the effect on the California economy
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

What does it mean when shipping at the biggest ports in California is down

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California cities not setting enough aside for health care
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

A new study from California Common Sense found that of the 20 cities with the largest budgets, 11 of them – over 50 percent – had not put aside money for future health care costs that they are virtually guaranteed to take on down the line

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