Posts By :

John Guenther

Regions-up Housing Agenda Identifies Evidence-Based Opportunities to Ease State’s Housing Crisis
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“Regions Build Together – A Housing Agenda for All California” details 14 practical actions based on successful local, regional, and state efforts

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PolicyWise Episode 13: Don’t Hate, Educate!
1024 576 John Guenther

Podcast guests State Superintendent Tony Thurmond and Young Leaders Advisory Council member Mehek Kandru join to discuss ethnic studies and anti-racism initiatives

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How data can drive real justice system change
1024 576 John Guenther

CA FWD’s jail utilization studies showed counties why people were incarcerated and incentivized smarter interventions

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How can we build more equitable economies?
1024 576 John Guenther

CA FWD launches webinar series to highlight actionable ways to move the state forward

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VIDEO: Building Equity Starts at the Community Level
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Collaboration in Salinas Valley region highlighted as promising model to create equitable economies

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CA FWD Recognized by the Inland Empire Economic Partnership
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IEEP President’s Award presented to CA FWD for work to create inclusive and sustainable growth

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Despite Past Economic Boom, CA Dream Index Finds Unequal Growth in Economic Mobility Pre-pandemic
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Integration of 2019 data to California Dream Index shows overall increase in college attainment and finds San Francisco County residents had the highest percent increase in affordable rent

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A Look at the New 2021 Roadmap to Shared Prosperity
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Roadmap outlines priority actions to build more equitable and inclusive economies

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