New revenue does not dampen Gov’s call for tax extensions in May revise
150 150 Gina Baleria

An additional $6.6 billion is expected to make it into CA coffers through fiscal year 2012, but Governor Brown says tax extensions are still necessary to close the remaining $9.6 billion gap.

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What the Framework poll results tell us
150 150 Richard Raya

Over the last few weeks, we asked Californians to weigh in on the latest summary of the Smart Government Framework, an outline course of action to restructure the relationship between state and local governments to produce better results.

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Senate Budget Committee Approves Bills Requiring Performance-Based, Multi-Year Budgeting
150 150 John Guenther

Two bills that could vastly improve the state’s budgeting process and lead to a more stable fiscal landscape have passed unanimously out of a Senate committee and are on their way to the full floor. SB 14 would require budgeting based on the performance, and SB 15 would require multi-year, long-term budgeting and forecasting.

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Business groups call for workout plan to restart budget negotiations
150 150 John Guenther

Business organizations from across the state sent an open letter Wednesday to the Governor and legislature, urging them to adopt a five-point financial workout plan that is consistent with the principles put forth by CA Fwd.

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Forward Thinker Gisselle Acevedo works to ensure young children prepped for success
150 150 Tom Salyers

CA Fwd has named Gisselle Acevedo, president and CEO of Para Los Niños, a Forward Thinker, thanks to her work to fill a void left by the state when it comes to early childhood education.

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Orange County Residents Ask Redistricting Commission to Keep Groups Together
150 150 Agustin Gurza

Nearly 75 residents of Orange County spoke Friday night before the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, voicing remarkable consensus on three principles for drawing new political boundaries: Keep cities together; don’t split ethnic groups; and stay within county lines.

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Criticism of Redistricting Commission’s Progress is Unfounded
150 150 John Guenther

Another week, another blast at the Citizens Redistricting Commission. But, all the Commission did was take a preliminary step to interpret an ambiguous area in redistricting law.

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