Teamwork and stable funding critical to strengthening CA public schools
150 150 Susan Lovenburg

California’s schools have seen a 20% reduction in expected funding from the state since 2007. And, with another $1.4 billion in trigger cuts looming, school board members came out in force at the CA School Boards Association (CSBA) annual conference to advocate for a commitment to public education.

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Forward Thinker Meg Palisoc prepares kids for the future
150 150 Megan Goldsby

Meg Palisoc had a great career as a college administrator at USC. But after noticing that inner city freshman were not as prepared for higher education as their peers, she decided to dedicate herself to helping disadvantaged young people achieve.

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Visionary leaders and tough decisions needed to move CA forward
150 150 Michael Turnipseed

As a teenager growing up, in the Central Valley, I saw the “Golden State” growing and its “golden glow” getting brighter. 50 years later, California has gone from the world’s leader in almost everything to a state that is bankrupt in nearly every way.

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Forward Thinker Joyce Cooksey-James connects community members
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

At age 14, Joyce Cooksey-James had her first experience with politics. In Detroit at the time, she helped a during an election campaign. Then at 22, she began helping neighborhood housing complexes.

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Celebrating the tenth anniversary of forecasted operating deficits
150 150 Fred Silva

Once again the Legislative Analyst has pulled back the curtain on California’s budgeting practices, announcing last week that the state is likely to have a $3 billion deficit at the end of this fiscal year. This means we can expect significant mid-year cuts to education and social services programs under the budget “trigger” mechanism.

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Fixing California: An approach to agree on
150 150 John Guenther

Hats off to the Think Long Committee (TLC) for braving the waters of reform with a thoughtful, bipartisan approach to addressing the gridlock and fiscal issues that face the state. The TLC report builds on what California Forward has learned: Californians want change, and they want it now.

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