Forward Thinker Lorena Lopez fights for better work conditions and pay
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Lopez wants government to stiffen penalties for businesses that break workplace laws, as well as streamline standards and complaint procedures to ensure workers have a voice. “You have to be a lawyer to understand them,” she says. “People lose so much time. People lose confidence in the system.”

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“Show me the results,” say SF State students
150 150 Gina Baleria

A group of students from San Francisco State University have seen their tuitions rise by more than $1,000 since they began their college careers, putting college and the future it can bring more and more out of reach for many young people.

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Just Hanging Out: Governing by webcam
150 150 John Guenther

The Presidential Google town hall held last week might end up as just another a tech gimmick to spread messaging. But, if used effectively, Google’s Hangouts could help local governments to not only become more transparent but more interactive on the web.

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Want jobs and prosperity? Fund education.
150 150 Max Zimbert

It’s a simple equation that is all too often overlooked because the benefits are not all immediate. It is clearly the strongest solution, however.

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Initiative process “hijacked” by special interests, in need of reform
150 150 Stacy Danielson

Here we are 100 years removed from the creation of the ballot initiative process, discussing the need to reform the ballot initiative system in order to again help regain the citizen’s voice in government from wealthy special interests.

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CACS Launches Civic Engagement Platform
150 150 Jasmine Nachtigall

California is on an unsustainable financial path littered with the heavy-handed influence of special interest money. But we can counteract that influece in Sacramento if enough Californians come together and act to fix our state.

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Tuesday AM: What’s happening right now?
150 150 Chris Nelson

We take a look at some of the news items and events happening in California this week that affect all of us.

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Forward Thinker Michele Lew works to be the voice for the Asian community
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

After joining the Asian Americans for Community Involvement in 2005, Lew has worked with elected leaders in Santa Clara County and statewide, ensuring life-saving services aren’t on the cutting board for budgets.

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Weekly Coverage Roundup: The state of everything
150 150 Chris Nelson

In the past week or so, many different campaigns, from the national to the city level, have kicked into gear. We take a look at which of them are hitting closest to home.

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