The Budget Challenge is back
150 150 California Forward

Described as “a nonpartisan simulation of the tough choices lawmakers are faced with,” Next10’s annual Budget Challenge is back with a new facelift and a $9.2 billion shortfall that any Californian can attempt to resolve.

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Millennials distraught at lack of transparency and opportunity in California
150 150 Max Zimbert

Steve Segall is a 26 year old entreprener who wanted to start a technology company in his home state of California. The state of affairs at home made him think twice, however.

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Smart cities, you’d better shop around for solutions
150 150 John Guenther

If someone needs to fix a computer or find the best deal on a plane ticket, it only takes a quick Google search. But where can cities go to find the best deal on fixing their traffic problems?

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Forward Thinker Bruno Serato makes sure less fortunate kids never go to bed hungry
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Anaheim White House chef and owner Bruno Serato has made it a priority to help kids living in nearby hotels. In 2005, thanks to a push from his mom, he started a nonprofit, to support the Boys and Girls Club of Anaheim, feeding pasta dishes to those less fortunate.

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CAFwd’s digital footprint is growing
150 150 Chris Nelson

Did you know that California Forward has eight other Facebook pages besides our main one and that we also maintain a robust Twitter account? Well now you do.

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Improving education in Tulare County begins with collaboration
150 150 Niki Woodard

The plan was simple: come up with a model for a coordinated, combined effort between nonprofits, agencies, businesses and schools to combat drop-out and low matriculation rates, both areas Tulare consistently ranks near the bottom statistically among California counties.

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Forward Thinker Jose Rodriguez provides opportunities for a better quality of life
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Rodriguez says government needs to find more effective ways to serve and engage people. At El Concilio, he and his team see and help folks from all walks of life – people dealing with different and difficult challenges and issues.

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Millennials discuss what will get them to the polls in 2012
150 150 Gina Baleria

College students and young professionals in the millennial generation appeared on the CA Fwd Radio Show this week to discuss the issues that will bring them back to the polls this year, including education, the economy, and public safety.

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Federal Judge dismisses lawsuit against Redistricting Commission’s maps
150 150 California Forward

Last Friday, the courts handed another legal victory to the Citizen’s Redistricting Commission when U.S. District Court Judge Stephen Wilson dismissed the GOP-led challenge to the new district maps drawn last year by the non-partisan group.

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