Ballot ordering switcheroo: Why all the fuss?
150 150 Stacy Danielson

We present to you the most comprehensive breakdown as to why the ordering of November’s qualified signature initiatives is causing such an uproar in Sacramento.

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The Asian American vote is growing in California
150 150 Ed Coghlan

There is much talk about the Latino bloc in California, and deservedly so. But Bill Wong reminds us that the mounting clout of the Asian American bloc might surprise you in its scope.

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City of Santa Ana lets in the sunshine
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

By unanimously passing a “Sunshine Ordinance,” Santa Ana City Council is stepping up its transparency efforts by telling its citizens “we have nothing to hide.”

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A roadmap to fixing California’s economy
150 150 Jim Mayer

CAFwd Executive Director Jim Mayer talks Action Plan

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Suddenly everyone is talking about manufacturing
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Jobs are going unfulfilled at an alarming rate. Can we train our citizens fast enough in technical fields so that they can be filled?

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Mobilizing Millennials is priority number one
150 150 Caroline Vance is taking the task of getting Millennials involved in the political process very seriously.

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Monday Musings: Gains, trains and automobiles
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Three standout stories about the California economy

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Crowdsourcing community development
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

What can California learn from a New Orleans-based nonprofit that is using social media to help people become more civically engaged?

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