The coming tidal wave: What does California’s huge voter registration surge mean on Nov 6?
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Well over three quarters of the eligible voters in California registered to vote, or about 18.2 million people in total, according to an official statement released by Secretary of State Debra Bowen’s office. Although the approximately 986,000 new voters who registered in the 45 days prior to the October 22 deadline doesn’t surpass 2008’s record 1.2 million tally in the same timeframe, this year’s surge is still significant and the overall number does represent a new record total.

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California group poised to work on voter IDs this week, but not in California
150 150 Ed Coghlan

One hot button issue has been the requirement that voters have official identification in order to vote. 30 states now have those requirements, although the largest state, California, does not.

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How much did the Top Two Primary change California elections?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

What impact is California’s new Top Two Primary law really going to have on California politics? It’s a question that will be better answered after Tuesday’s election, but there’s no doubt it has changed the political landscape of California.

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Asian American Communities in California get help before heading to the polls
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Twenty two national Asian Pacific Islander American organizations have joined forces to create the first comprehensive overview on nine critical California ballot measures.

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Voting tech: We’ve come a long way since hanging chads
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

This year, as in every other important election year, there has been quite a bit of discussion about the status of the nation’s elections process and the potential for voting system failure. The good news is that, according to a new report by the Caltech-MIT Voting Technology Project, voting technology has come along way since the infamous “hanging chads” fiasco of 2000.

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Michael G. Santos: Preparation key for a successful re-entry to society
150 150 Michael G. Santos

As I expressed in my initial blog entries, a commitment to prepare for a law-abiding, contributing life upon release drove my adjustment throughout the quarter century that I served. Had I not made that commitment to prepare for reentry early in my term, I’d now be living a life of complication and struggle.

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