California State Controller says Stockton could have avoided bankruptcy
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The audits also found that the City misused cash in its gas tax fund, and is unlawfully holding former redevelopment agency (RDA) assets.

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School standards: Jerry Brown’s school funding reform still needs accountability
150 150 Jim Mayer, Ted Lempert & Michael Hanson

Local school board members will be the ones determining how to best achieve statewide goals for student success. But will it lead to better results?

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Sacramento city leaders hope more people blow the whistle on corrupt behavior
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

City leaders in Sacramento are asking folks to blow the whistle on any city employee, including city council members, they see as part of waste or corruption in city hall.

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CEQA Roundup: Have negotiations really stalled?
150 150 Justin Ewers

CEQA may be nearing a political impasse only the governor can resolve

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This week in Realignment: August 2, 2013
150 150 Christopher Nelson

The challenge is this: What happens psychologically to inmates when all of a sudden they are told they are told that they are entitled to the same level of care that you and I are?

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Santa Clarita gets big economic boost from film industry
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

The city felt a $25.7 million impact from filming of TV shows and movies

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Humboldt County embraces new system for election transparency
150 150 Catherine Shieh

Humboldt Registrar of Voters Carolyn Crnich responded to controversy and an outcry from residents by creating a system for anyone to request a scanned version of the vote through the Humboldt County Elections Transparency Project.

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