Holidays come early for Long Beach in form of budget surplus
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

This year’s surplus is nothing new to the councilwoman. In fact, she’s managed a surplus in three of her last four budgets.

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Year in Review: Public Safety Realignment and the PCE
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Sharon Aungst, director of the Partnership for Community Excellence, reflects on 2013 and the state of public safety realignment in California

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VIDEO: KNBC highlights California’s two-tier economy
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

Summit Co-chair Paul Granillo talks about prosperity gap

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New team seeks to take online voting from fantasy to reality
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

The project brings together experts in computer science, usability, and auditing and adds in the expertise of local election officials from counties throughout the U.S. to examine potential solutions to the current roadblocks toward online voting.

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Los Angeles transportation needs more bang for buck
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

How far you get in LA less important than what you get to

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