California Forward’s comment on Gov. Brown’s budget proposal
150 150 Jim Mayer

The budget would improve fiscal management, bolster the delivery of community services, invest in critical infrastructure and encourage the creation of well-paying jobs.

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New legislation looks to crack down on fundraising for school board members
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

nder the legislation, administrators at any state public school district and community college districts will be prohibited from soliciting contributions on behalf of the campaigns and legal defense funds of candidates and incumbent board members that govern those districts.

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Minding your money (and improving our government) in 2014
150 150 Jim Mayer

One more holiday tradition has come and gone: The pundits have declared the important stories of 2013 and prognosticated on what to watch in 2014. But don’t be dulled by tradition.

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Realignment in Review: The collision course of political viability and economic sustainability
150 150 Tom Hoffman

In a nutshell, if we are ever to reduce recidivism and victimization over the long haul, the California criminal justice system avoid being an “offense based” decision-making model, meaning the suspect committed “X” offense so our response is “Y”.

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Ventura Police Department reaps benefits of crime fighting technology
150 150 Cheryl Getuiza

It’s a brand new year and the Ventura Police Department is kicking it off with a brand new crime fighting tool to boost response times

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Growing chorus calling for special elections reform in California
150 150 Christopher Nelson

There’s a growing chorus of elections officials, voter advocates and lawmakers questioning the way California fills mid-term vacancies in the state legislature. They often carry a price tag of over $1 million in tax dollars and uniformly see less than 30 percent of eligible voters cast ballots.

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