VIDEO: Secretary of State candidates on making California elections more transparent
150 150 Alexandra Bjerg

Want to know what low or no-cost measures the six candidates for California Secretary of State would take, right away, to improve electoral transparency? California Forward asked them.

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San Francisco working to be Hollywood North?
150 150 Ed Coghlan

How local economy feels loss & gain of film productions

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REPORT: Rebooting Campaign Finance Disclosure in California
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Simply put, Californians want to know who is paying for campaigns and influencing our elected officials. That’s why on this first work day of Sunshine Week, CA Fwd has released a report on the topic called “Rebooting Campaign Finance Disclosure”.

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Public comment period on new LCFF fiscal regulations still open, but not for long
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

On March 17, the public comment period on new fiscal regulations for the Local Control Funding formula closes. If you wish to make your voice heard, even if you’re not a parent, the time is now.

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California Legislators regulating themselves with new transparency bills
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Last week a series of bills meant to foster greater public trust in government by, among other things, banning gifts from lobbyists, were announced in the California Legislature.

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