CA Fwd to Legislators: Act now to restore public trust in government
150 150 Ed Coghlan

When State Senators get arrested, indicted and convicted, as a trio has in California this calendar year, it shakes the public’s confidence in our government. CA Fwd has a plan to restore that trust.

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Latina entrepreneur creates ambicultural Latino food event
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Increasingly today’s entrepreneur in California is not a man, she’s a Latina

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VIDEO: California looks to stem tide of fleeing film production jobs
150 150 Melissa Gonzalo

California is facing stiff competition for its film shoots in the form of incentives and tax credits from a host of other states and counties. New legislation aims to address this, but will it be too little, too late?

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VIDEO: Can California lure film jobs back?
150 150 Melissa Gonzalo

States compete for productions–and jobs–at locations show in L.A.

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Q&A: Dr. Yasmin Davidds on the strengths of Latina businesswomen
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Recently in Los Angeles, in conjunction with the California Economic Summit, a group of Latina business and organizational leaders convened, each with their own story to tell.

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Latinas flex entrepreneurial muscle in California economy
150 150 Ed Coghlan

Program builds leaders in $13 billion sector of Latina-owned businesses

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College graduate deficit slated to get worse says CED report
150 150 Matthew Grant Anson

The report spells out a far less golden future for the Golden State should results not improve in California’s colleges. But it’s a problem that California has the tools to address.

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Inaugural Summit on Data stresses importance of open data for California
150 150 Christopher Nelson

California Forward convened an impressive list of those who care about data most in the Golden State to share thoughts and ideas on the many facets of open data and why it’s more important now than ever. This was the inaugural Summit on Data.

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