Legislature passes budget on time but trailer bills keep things opaque
150 150 Christopher Nelson

While the state’s fiscal situation is improving and all parties involved deserve accolades for getting a sound budget passed on time, there is still some lingering procedural darkness.

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Progress report on California’s efforts to restore trust in government
150 150 Ed Coghlan

While the legislature has taken some positive steps after three senators were indicted, CA Fwd pointedly challenged the lawmakers to do more. Where the effort stands today:

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Parting the party lines: How partisan is your legislator?
150 150 Courtney M. Fowler

Modern day politics is built on the idea of partisanship, with legislative candidates creating entire campaigns to tout their strongly liberal or conservative bona fides

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Los Angeles building case to be most open city in America
150 150 Christopher Nelson

Over 1500 people RSVPed to see them unwrap one of the most ambitious undertakings of the young Garcetti administration

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